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What not to do if you want to boost employee engagement

Posted by Snappy Hires on July 28, 2022 at 11:47 am filled under Sourcing and Recruiting Tips Category

Employee productivity is a crucial game-changing factor that can boost or crash your business. It’s always a two way process between the employee and employer. The employee expects compensation & benefits with good work culture from the company and the employer expects high productivity. Thus to keep a healthy balance between these two parameters is very important to run the company in a profitable way.

Research conducted by Voucher Cloud determined that the average office worker is only productive for two hours and 23 minutes each day. So it is very essential to track the productivity of the employees and try to trigger those factors that can help them increase their productivity. Here are some of the enemies of good productive :

1. Highly strict work schedule
2. No training for employees
3. No Employee engagement activities
4. Micro management
5. Bad Office Communication

1. Highly strict work schedule :

A highly strict work culture kills your motivation. That’s it. If you want to hear about research on this, check out this awesome TED talk by Dan Pink: The Science of Motivation and ROWE. Management is not about carrots and sticks anymore. Nothing can compare to the power of your inner drive. And this is created by pursuing something that is valuable to you.

2. No training for employees :

All employees are not the same. Some of them are self-learners, but the rest only follow the guidelines and tasks that are given to them. So the company always tries to train their employees with weekly training sessions for professionals, and for freshers, it can be for a longer period of time. Also, the employees should get assessed and a performance review report should be shared for maximum benefits.

3. No Employee engagement activities :

An employee will be engaged with the company if they feel valued, secure, financially well-off, and happy. This has a direct effect on their productivity, which every organization understands the importance of a productive workforce. The following activities can be helpful for employee engagement.

Annual Functions
Team Outings
Office parties
Sports activities
Debates/talent showcasing competitions, etc

4. Micro management :

That feeling of being watched that envelops you right before heading out of the house for the workplace is oftentimes caused by micromanagers. When you suddenly begin to feel like you can’t get anything done correctly at work, a decrease in productivity is already setting in. Harboring negative feelings causes a lot of harm to you at the workplace and limits your zeal to get work done on time.

5. Bad Office Communication :

Employees want an environment where they can build relationships with colleagues and share their ideas. When workers don’t have access to people and resources, it hampers their work performance. This can lower morale and the motivation to perform well, leading to a less productive workforce. It can also impact on-time delivery of projects, which can tarnish a business’s reputation.